New Starts

I've been blogging for awhile (off and on), but due to some shall I put this...misuse of my words, I had to completely delete and start over on my blog. But that appears to be a blessing from God, as I am also completely starting over in my life right now too.

You see, my husband and I have spent the past 3 years as youth pastors at our local church. We have loved pastoring and we have felt deeply called to do this. In fact, our degrees are both in youth ministry and we even met while receiving our degrees in youth ministry from a Christian University. But God, in His infinite, and ironic, wisdom, has called us to a different path now. My husband is feeling a new call and a new passion towards preaching. I can't argue that he has truly been annointed by God to preach. When I listen to him, I can't even recognize who is speaking. It's kind of scary actually. But this call and this transition is not an easy one...

In the process, we are leaving the church we have worked at for 3 years to go and plant a new church. I have no idea what I'm doing! I'm not a church planter! I'm a youth minister (and a wife, mother, daughter, housekeeper, MOPS coordinator, friend, launderer, cook...well, you get the picture). How in the world am I supposed to plant a church? But maybe I'm not...maybe that's God's job...and I'm just the tool...hmmm I think I read that somewhere!

Not that we don't need a new church here! And God has been so faithful. He is always faithful even when I have no faith. I just keep reciting: I believe, help my unbelief. It's my mantra right now.

So, I invite you to take a walk with me. Walk with me as I navigate this new road God has placed my feet on. I'm not going to lie and pretend it's going to all be pretty and easy. It may be more like hiking the road to Mordor. But I believe that God will amaze me along the way. I believe I will have wonder moments. I'm looking for them everywhere. I'm looking for them in my marriage, my mothering, my home-remodel, my church planting, books I read, movies I see, friends I talk with...I warn you I may be overly verbose sometimes! But I hope you will come and find the wonder in the journey.
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